I, Benjamin Blain Naftzger, call upon the persons here present to witness
that I take you, Corinne Ann Walker to be my lawfully wedded wife.
Corinne, I vow to always love you and to treasure your entirety
– even the bits that may be debatable.
I vow to help you trade up last year’s handbag – every year!
I promise to ensure we always live within close proximity to gym equipment.
And to stay out of the room if you are working out to Tracy Anderson.
I commit to regular date nights – forever after.
I vow to be true to you and to significantly expand your allocated wardrobe space
– sooner, rather than later.
Together we’ll make the most of our time on this lonely planet
and enjoy living our adventure as a freakin’ awesome family.
Corinne, you’re my best friend, the one I laugh with
dream with and watch the best movies with.
I promise to spend today and all of my tomorrows with you.
I love you.
Corinne & Ben’s wedding reception
5pm, Saturday 20 April 2013, The Bathers’ Pavilion,
Mosman, New South Wales, Australia
There wasn’t a single dry eye among the wedding guests as we witnessed our dear friend Ben uttering these words to the love of his life Corinne, holding back tears of his own.
Originally from Sydney, our friends Ben and Corinne now live in Amsterdam but came back to Sydney to exchange their vows in marriage.

The Bathers' Pavilion in Mosman, Sydney
The rugged and natural seascapes of Sydney is no stranger to happy occasions and there are countless locations around beautiful Sydney harbour that can become the fascinating backdrop for a wedding ceremony.
And Corinne and Ben have chosen the iconic The Bathers’ Pavilion overlooking beautiful Balmoral beach as the idyllic setting for their special day.
Set within the very exclusive suburb of Mosman, the restaurant and cafe at The Bathers’ Pavilion is owned and operated by Sydney celebrity chef Serge Dansereau.
The breathtaking views toward North Head and beyond set the tone for some of the most expensive real estate around Sydney harbour.
Against this dramatic backdrop, Mysaucepan and I are here today to share this beautiful wedding ceremony with Ben and Corinne’s families’ and their friends.
“It has been raining all day, lets hope the weather clears up this evening” I say to Mysaucepan.
“I think it will, can you see those few rays of sunshine coming through the dark clouds?” Mysaucepan says as we drive along Military road at 4.30pm towards the wedding venue.
By the time we arrive, the skies have cleared and a cool autumn breeze greets us at Balmoral beach.
It is a beautiful setting as we go upstairs to join the wedding guests gathering on the balcony for pre-dinner drinks and to enjoy the panoramic views over Balmoral and Sydney’s magnificent harbour. Mysaucepan and I have been to countless weddings around Sydney harbour and we never fail to be impressed by the sheer beauty of this harbour and its foreshores.
Excitement fills the air as we mingle with the bride and groom’s family and friends.
“Ben is an awesome young man” his father Carter tells me as I engage in a brief chat with him.
“You don’t say Mr. Naftzger!” I reply. “I have known Ben for more than ten years now and apart from his geeky smile, I will take his sense of humour any day. He starts laughing at his own jokes before I even get them!” I tell his father.
As we sip on some Jansz NV bubbly from Pipers River in Tasmania, we meet more of Corrine and Ben’s wonderful friends and family members.
As the minutes draw closer, the excitement grows and I shall hand over the proceedings to civil celebrant, Robyn Pattison to take over from here.
Civil celebrant Robyn Pattison:
Welcome everyone!
This is the day Corinne and Ben have chosen to celebrate their union as husband and wife, as partners in life.
They have asked me to tell you how happy they are that you could all be here with them, for this life-changing day, and to acknowledge those who are not able to be here.
Of course, you are all here because you know what a special day today is. The moments that follow are even more special to them both because you are all here to celebrate with them.
Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Robyn Pattison.
I am a civil celebrant and I am duly authorized by law to solemnize marriages according to law. Better than that, it will be my pleasure to guide Corinne and Ben through their marriage ceremony this evening.
Ben and Corinne have been making some amazing memories together. They have made a home in Sydney, San Francisco and Amsterdam. They have hiked up Mount Vesuvius with Corinne’s parents and rendezvoused with Ben’s parents in Paris.
They ate 479 gelatos in Italy and enjoyed yum cha in Hong Kong. They saw Coldplay, in Cologne and travelled from San Francisco to Los Angeles in a campervan. Corinne shopped her heart out in Paris, London, New York, San Francisco, Antwerp, Barcelona …. actually, pretty much everywhere.
Life together has been an adventure. But realizing that they were meant to be together; that they had found THAT kind of love, is an adventure all of its own. It changes everything.
For some couples, there’s a distinct moment the light bulb comes on. For others, it’s more the realisation that everything has fallen into place.
Ben knew that Corinne was the one when he realised that her happiness made him happy too. That he could be himself, exactly himself – and Corinne would love him all the more for it.
Corinne knew that Ben was the one she would, one day, marry, when she finally learnt that they would never, ever give up on each other. That no matter how hard a day might be, they can always find a reason to make each other laugh – and that they always want the best for each other.
It’s no surprise to any of us that Corinne and Ben are here today, but even after so many happy years together, a proposal was still required!
Corinne knew that Ben had bought an engagement ring, and given they were soon holidaying in New York – one of their favourite cities – she assumed it was going to be the spot.
She might have been right. But Ben knew that she probably knew – and he didn’t want to make it too easy for her. Ben suspected Corinne would have discovered the ring’s hiding spot – and she did! So his time was well spent when he swapped the ring box from the sealed jewellery bag with an object of equal size and weight, just in case she looked (sneaky!) and hid the ring in his carry on luggage.
In the next morning, just after they left for New York, Corinne had turned to be terribly upset about something.
She had obviously checked the ring’s hiding spot before leaving and seen that it was still there and still holding the apparent ring inside! How could Ben propose in New York if he was leaving the ring at home?!
Ben had to play innocent.
“What’s wrong babe?” he asks.
Corinne played innocent too “Nothing” she said.
But her voice and her face were saying: ”Right now, something is massively, seriously wrong”.
Ben nearly broke, but he held on, and pretended that the “ Nothing“ actually meant “Nothing”.
Corinne’s birthday had been “Proposal Plan A” so Ben made sure the ring was in his pocket when they went out to celebrate with their good friends, Jason and Katrina. But Corinne rarely drinks, so when Corinne let loose for her first birthday in New York, it was not so surprising their great night out was somewhat bigger and greater than expected.
By the end of the night, Corinne was leading the bar hopping charge and even playing matchmaker to singles in their last bar. As Ben wanted Corinne to actually remember his proposal he had no choice but to abort the mission.

Civil celebrant Robyn Pattison with bridesmaids Sandra Wixted, Karen Cole and flower girl Mackenzie Cole
Plan B found them taking a walk in Central Park towards the lake area.
Ben had his moment. He suggested they take a row boat ride, just like in the movies, it would be fun. Of course, Corinne agreed.
They rowed away and it wasn’t long before Ben suggested they do one more thing before they head in. With the ring in his hand, Ben asked Corinne to marry him.
And Corinne cried, said yes and hugged him, while he tried to make sure they didn’t fall out of the boat!
Moments don’t get any better than that one. Or this one.
Whilst recognizing their past commitment to each other is just as important as their future together, Corinne and Ben feel that their marriage will be the vehicle for new and exciting pathways.
Today, they will take their love for each other and the friendship they share to commit to a marriage that makes them a family.
I would like now to welcome Vincent to join us and to read for us.
The Art of Marriage, a poem by Wilferd Arlan Peterson:
A good marriage must be created
In the art of marriage the little things are the big things
It is never being too old to hold hands
It is remembering to say “I love you” at least once a day
It is never going to sleep angry
It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives
It is standing together and facing the world
It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family
It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways
It is having the capacity to forgive and forget
It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow
It is finding room for the things of the spirit
It is a common search for the good and the beautiful
It is not only marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner.
Corinne and Ben, before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter.
“Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.”
One of life’s most understated and deepest relationships is the one that exists between a caring father and his loving daughter. Today is one of those rare occasions this relationship is acknowledged. John represents his entire family and in this symbolic gesture he symbolizes his love for his daughter, Corinne.
Making the choice to marry is making a choice to live your life as equal partners, joined in common goals and the desire to love and support each other through life’s challenges, to find its adventures and to celebrate joys together too.
Corinne and Ben already know all about that. They are here today, happy to make that decision official – for the simplest of reasons – they truly do love each other
But it’s even more than that! Today, Ben finally makes an honest woman of Corinne!
Finally. But seriously, he does, but that’s not it.
Marriage is their way of saying to each other “I believe in you. I will dream with you. I have your back. You are my home.”
Corinne and Ben want it all – family of their own, a lifetime commitment to being there for each other, through the good times, and the times when life is not so easy. Someone whose life story will be intertwined with their own. It’s the ultimate partnership. The best kind of friendship.
Ben loves Corinne! Because she’s the kindest, most caring girl in all the world.
And Corinne loves Ben right back. Because he’s the funniest guy in the world!
Corinne helps Ben to look to the world beyond the internet and to think about others. Ben helps Corinne calm her worrying mind. She has taught him to be more in touch with his feelings. He has taught her to be happy with who she is, exactly as she is.
They are each other’s biggest cheerleader, ready to laugh together, to be there for each other and to stand by each other’s side, through the thick and the thin.
Ten years together and Corinne and Ben have learnt a lot. All about compromise. To be accepting of each other’s perspectives and points of view. To make every effort to understand each other and to actually listen to what the other person is saying, not just what they think they are saying. And when all else fails, the value of a good debate!
Ben and Corinne know that what they share doesn’t come along every day. They know that some people spend a lifetime waiting to find the kind of happiness that they have found. So they do the little, unspoken things for each other. The ones that are so much bigger than their face value.
Like the very special popcorn that Corinne makes for Ben whenever they are about to watch a movie. Not any old popcorn, but Ben’s perfect popcorn. Perfectly popped popcorn, that can only come after eight years of careful observation, instruction and guidance – from Ben, himself.
Not only that, but she does the cooking and washes the clothes. She makes the bed – because Ben’s attempts are pretty much useless – and overall she runs a pretty tight ship around the house.
And what does Ben do? He performs the ultimate act of loving kindness for Corinne. He pulls Corinne’s pyjama legs down when they ride up in bed, with his toes. That can only mean true love.
Who would care about the position of Corinne’s pyjamas, except Ben.
Because he loves her.

"Corinne, this ring is my gift to you. Wear it and think of me. Know that I love you and will be by your side forevermore."
But being perfect for each other is not about being perfect. It isn’t about thinking the same, or doing the same or acting the same as your partner. Corinne and Ben are individuals. They have respect for each other’s differences – and sometimes, they laugh at them, too.
Corinne is the shy one. Ben will talk to almost anyone. He’d attend the opening of an envelope. Corinne wouldn’t. If Corinne doesn’t have GPS, she thinks the end of the world is nigh. Ben doesn’t. Corinne can make a bed perfectly. Ben can’t.
Corinne loves the kind of TV shows that makes Ben question his existence. Ben loves documentaries that make Corinne question hers. Corinne won’t take a Panadol unless she is practically dying. Ben takes enough vitamins that he practically rattles when he walks.
Of course, just like any normal person, both Corinne and Ben do tend to believe that they are always right, that it is their opinion that is correct – and clearly the other one must be misinformed. And so, just like any other normal couple, occasionally they clash!
But who cares? They both love to laugh, and to make others laugh.
They’ll burst into song on a whim and dance a pretty mean jig during TV ads. Ben has taken the making-Corinne-laugh-baton from her brother Craig who used to amuse himself by making a young Corinne laugh with random words – like turnip or adjustable-spanner.
Ben has the job now, and Corinne still thinks it’s funny! And Ben laughs at …. Ben. He has the uncanny knack of making himself laugh, more than any other human being. With his daily witticisms. His voice-overs and general chatter. Corrine’s laughing too.
They love and adore their families. And their fur child, Atticus Finch of Ultimo, their dog. They like trying to be healthy. Ben got Corinne into juicing. Corinne got Ben into the gym. Even so, they both love Chinese food! They love their weekend movie nights – with a cup of tea for Corinne and super-special Naftzger popcorn for Ben.
And those gym sessions, where, with all the best intentions in the world, new-to-the-gym-Ben keeps trying to convey best gym practices to Corinne, who has 10 years more gym experience than he!
In every way, their lives are better for being together. And so, it’s pretty simple really. Corinne is for Ben. Ben is for Corinne.
So what we are really doing today, is celebrating Corinne and Ben, as individuals, everything they love about each other and the fact that as a couple, they are even more fabulous!
For all those reasons, and so many more, I must now ask them both an important question….It’s the kind that may affect their future happiness.
Corinne & Ben, now that you are about to embark on life’s greatest journey of marriage, do you vow never to give up weekend coffees (including always ordering Corinne a extra hot (like lava) latte, to comprehensively research viable restaurant alternatives and always let Corinne have the first bath?
Corinne and Ben together : We do!
Excellent answer….. and have you come here together, willingly and with open hearts to give yourselves freely to each other as husband and wife?
Corinne & Ben Together: We have!
Corinne and Ben, this is it! This is where you will each make a promise to the other that will take you an entire lifetime to fulfill. Remember it. Be true to it. And enjoy keeping it, for every day of your lives together….
When you are ready to make your vows to each other, please take each other’s hands, face each other, and Ben you can repeat after me …
I, Benjamin Blain Naftzger, call upon the persons here present to witness that I take you, Corinne Ann Walker to be my lawfully wedded wife.
Corinne, I vow to always love you and to treasure your entirety
– even the bits that may be debatable.
I vow to help you trade up last year’s handbag – every year!
I promise to ensure we always live within close proximity to gym equipment.
And to stay out of the room if you are working out to Tracy Anderson.
I commit to regular date nights – forever after.
I vow to be true to you and to significantly expand your allocated wardrobe space – sooner, rather than later.
Together we’ll make the most of our time on this lonely planet and enjoy living our adventure as a freakin’ awesome family.
Corinne, you’re my best friend, the one I laugh with, dream with & watch the best movies with.
I promise to spend today and all of my tomorrows with you.
I love you.
Corinne, it’s your turn ….
I, Corinne Ann Walker, call upon the persons here present to witness that I take you, Benjamin Blain Naftzger, to be my lawfully wedded husband.
Ben, I vow always to stand by your side, wherever life’s adventures take us.
I promise to be your biggest cheerleader, in all you endeavour to achieve.
I vow to always put us first.
I promise to laugh at all your jokes, even the ones I’ve heard 50 times before.
And to always share my computer with you, cause lets face it, mine is better than yours.
I promise to try & find the silly side of everything with you and
I’ll agree to disagree that popcorn is an actual food group.
I vow to be honest with you, to never break your trust & to always live up to your profound belief in my cupcake making abilities.
Together, we can see our way through hard times and overcome any of life’s challenges.
Ben, you’re my best friend, the one I laugh with, dream with & watch the best movies with.
I promise to spend today and all of my tomorrows with you.
I love you.

Ana Pose, Joe D'Ambrosio, Sandra Wixted, Fiona Neilson, Margarita Caamano,David Neilson, Michael Wixted, Marcelo Pose
Words are powerful, but their sound is soon gone. Your wedding rings become the enduring symbol of the promises we have just heard you make. They are the reminder of the love you share.
Ben, would you please take your ring for Corinne, place it on her finger, and repeat after me…
Corinne, this ring is my gift to you.
Wear it and think of me. Know that I love you and will be by your side forevermore.
Corinne, would you now take your ring for Ben, place it on his finger and repeat after me…
Ben, this ring is my gift to you.
Wear it and think of me. Know that I love you and will be by your side forevermore.
I would like now to welcome Corinne’s brother Craig, to join us and read for Corinne and Ben, I’ll be there for you a poem by Louise Cudden.
I’ll be there my darling, through thick and through thin
When your mind’s in a mess and your head’s in a spin
When your plane’s been delayed and you’ve missed the last train
When life is just threatening to drive you insane
When your thrilling whodunit has lost its last page
When somebody tells you you’re looking your age
When your coffee’s too cool and your wine is too warm
When the forecast said “Fine” but you’re out in a storm
When your holiday hotel turns into a slum and your photos end up showing only your thumb
When you buy that new bag you have wanted for so long only to see it discounted and now going for a song
When the jeans that you bought in hope or in haste, just stick on your hips and don’t reach round your waist
When the food you most like brings you out in red rashes
When as soon as you boot up the bloody thing crashes
So my darling, my sweetheart, my dear…
When you break a rule, when you act the fool
When you’ve got the flu, when you’re in a stew
When you’re last in the queue, don’t feel blue
’cause I’m telling you, I’ll be there for you.
Corinne and Ben, today, with your dearest friends and family as your witnesses, you have agreed to share your lives together.
You have decided to consider each other’s thoughts and needs and feelings to be as important, if not more important, than your own. You will share great joy and you will rise to meet adventure and challenges together as they find you through life’s path. You have promised each other to love and respect and care for the other.
It will take you an entire lifetime to fulfil these promises. Today will be the first day of that chapter in your life.
I am now deeply honoured to declare you to be husband and wife! Ben, you may kiss your bride! Congratulations both of you!
Corinne and Ben’s wedding is truly one of the most beautiful ceremonies that I have ever attended.
Their families and friends are clearly overjoyed to see the happy couple exchanging their marriage vows and making a lifetime commitment to each other.
Once the formalities are over, the party begins and canapes of Vietnamese rice paper rolls and deep-fried prawn spring rolls are served.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine delicious Asian-inspired food would find its way into The Bathers’ Pavilion when I first came to Sydney in the early 80s.
Bathers’ at the time was nothing more than a public kiosk serving takeaway fish and chips for $2 with adjoining public showers and changing rooms for beach goers at Balmoral.
Weekends at Balmoral beach were fun with local jazz bands belting out popular classics at “the dome” located at The Esplanade.
Before heading to the wedding banquet to join Corinne and Ben, I take in the magnificent view of the rocky peninsula at Balmoral that I spent so many summer days with friends so many years ago.
The cool breeze reminds me it is a beautiful autumn evening and the sound of the surf tells us it’s time to party with Corinne and Ben.
As the guests settle down in the dining room overlooking Balmoral beach and tuck into the banquet, the atmosphere re-affirms Sydney as a truly world-class location for a wedding.
Here are the thrills and spills of the wedding banquet of Corrine and Ben:

White wines of the evening: 2012 Wairau River Sauvignon Blanc & 2009 Scarborough Yellow Label Chardonnay

Oxtail ognolotti with field mushroom and asparagus shallot and braising stock spiked with truffle oil

Sashimi of yellow fin tuna with steamed scallop and prawn gow gee, sesame and black vinegar dressing
As we are enjoying our dinner, the chefs at The Bathers’ Pavilion are busy churning out the scrumptious food in the kitchen.
All the guests looked forward to the finale where the bride and groom attend their wedding cake.
As expected, Corinne and Ben did not disappoint by giving us another side show.
Dear Corinne & Ben,
We wish you both a lifetime of happiness and wedded bliss! We are so honoured that you have invited us to share your special day and we just hope it won’t be too long before you are back in Sydney again!
With our love and wishes,
Chopinand & Mysaucepan
The Bathers’ Pavilion
4 The Esplanade
Balmoral Beach Mosman
New South Wales
Tel: +61 2 9969 5050
Business hours:
Lunch Monday – Sunday from noon, Dinner Monday to Sunday from 6.30pm
Breakfast Monday – Sunday from 7am to noon
Lunch / Dinner menu – Monday to Sunday from noon till late
Afternoon tea – Monday to Friday (not including public holidays) from 3pm – 5pm
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Awwww what a beautiful wedding! I was looking at the menu at Bather’s the other day, can’t wait to try their food
Such a beautiful wedding!
I’m sure your friends will treasure this wonderful photo story you’ve made for them. But hey, no photo of you? 😉
What a beautiful tribute to your friends special day! The Bathers Pavilion is an ideal venue for a reception. It is one of my favourite places. A beautiful post!
The bride’s dress is stunning! I love the detailing on it and what cute vows too
I’m a bit teary after reading that. What a gorgeous bride and her bridegroom couldn’t look happier. They will LOVE what you’ve written here.
That made me teary too! What a beautiful wedding.
Such a cute and emotional recap of the event. I wish the couple the very best! xo
Very beautiful wedding!
Beautiful wedding…enjoy the pictures.
Hope you are having a wonderful week
What a lovely wedding and Bather’s Pavilion is such a perfect spot for a romantic reception!
Thank you for your wonderful tribute to Ben and Corinne’s wedding.
The way you’ve written this made me feel like I was part of it — what a wonderful tribute to the newlyweds and their special day. Loved your photo captions, too — your sense of humor is apparent! The overall feeling of this post exudes joy, respect, friendship, humor, and LOVE! Truly a wedding day to remember…
What a beautiful wedding!!! Now I know where the bride gets her good looks from – her outrageously handsome brother.
What a beautiful tribute to special friends. I love the bride’s dress – surely Downton Abbey inspired. And Bathers is an incredible venue for a wedding xx
How amazing! What a great memory of such a great night!!
Gorgeous photos!