Pasta with Chorizo and red sauce

Pasta with Chorizo and red sauce

Pasta with Chorizo and red sauce

This is a sure-fire summer sizzler. Instead of the usual meat and sausages, I would fire up the BBQ to slap on some of these thick chunky chorizo sausages on the smoking grill. Lightly spray the grill with some good olive oil because the sausages pack a good punch of spicy-flavoured fat – yum!!!

Ingredients for pasta with Chorizo and red sauce

Ingredients for pasta with Chorizo and red sauce

Searing Chorizo sausages

Searing Chorizo sausages


I was told to never poke or puncture the Chorizo sausages while it’s being seared on the grill. I thought the juices from the puncture holes would fuel the flames below and would give the sausages a nice charred flavour. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

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