Day 23 ‘Get Your Jelly On’: Black sesame ice-cream with summer berries

Sesame ice-cream with summer berries

Sesame ice-cream with summer berries

This post is part of  the Royal Selangor Jellyriffic Competition where ten bloggers from around the world compete by posting recipes each day for 30 days in the month of October 2011 to raise awareness and support for breast cancer. *


Follow our progress and download our recipes in the “Cuisines of the World” by clicking the image below:


You will normally find black sesame desserts in a chinese restaurant either in a deep-fried pancake or perhaps as the filling for a soft dumpling in a warm ginger  soup.

We have demonstrated the versatility of the Royal Selangor jelly mould in making desserts in our Cuisines of the World journey.

So far, we have created a puddingmoussepannacottajellypavlova and trifle. Today, we will introduce an ice-cream for our seventh dessert in our series.

This is a chinese dessert that will complete our three-course chinese meal presentation with a jellyfish jelly with celery salad entree, followed by the chinese main of Hainanese chicken rice.

Sesame ice-cream with summer berries

Sesame ice-cream with summer berries

And we will present to you three more desserts which will be strikingly different to complete our selection of ten international desserts of very different cooking styles and presentation.

Day 23: Dessert – Black sesame ice-cream with summer berries

Sesame seed is an essential ingredient in Chinese cuisine. The oil is used in almost every   Chinese marinade and the roasted seeds are spinkled in jellyfish salad, coated on Chinese  fried dumplings and ground into paste in desserts.

White sesame seeds are more commonly used as they are sweeter in flavour but I love the slightly smokier notes of the black version and they make nice garnishing sprinkled on top of dishes.

Sesame ice-cream with summer berries

Sesame ice-cream with summer berries

This ice-cream has a beautiful nutty and smoky flavour and does not disappoint with its creamy texture. It is a delightful pairing with the sweetness from all the summer berries.

Sesame ice-cream with summer berries

Sesame ice-cream with summer berries

You can sprinkle some white sesame seeds when serving to get the contrast of black and white colour and flavour. It makes a nice sweet ending to a Chinese meal, a nice change from the ubiquitous fresh fruit platter.

Sesame ice-cream with summer berries

Sesame ice-cream with summer berries

So dear readers, do you have a favourite chinese dessert?

*Note to readers: You can support and help raise the awareness of breast cancer by the following ways:

  • Share our recipes with family and friends on Facebook or Twitter.
  • Like chopinandmysaucepan on Facebook.
  • Follow chopinandmysaucepan on Twitter.
  • Suggest to us any recipe, jelly or otherwise that you may like us to cook using the mould. Recipes do not necessarily need to incorporate gelatin and participants are encouraged to be as creative as possible. We need all the help we can get and would welcome any creative ideas and recipes from our readers.
  • Purchase a jelly mould from Royal Selangor. Remember, all sales proceeds will go towards improving the lives of women affected by breast cancer.

Win an Olympus  VG-110 camera

To encourage readers to support the cause for breast cancer awareness, we will give away an Olympus VG-110 camera to one lucky reader.

All you have to do over the next thirty days is to provide your comments, feedback, suggestions or any recipes and you will be in the running to receive this camera. This prize is open to any and all readers.

If you enjoy our daily posts throughout October 2011, do consider helping the cause for breast cancer by participating in any or all the the ways mentioned above.

We wish you good health and happy cooking!

Chopinand & Mysaucepan


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17 Responses to Day 23 ‘Get Your Jelly On’: Black sesame ice-cream with summer berries

  1. Hannah says:

    Black sesame ice cream owns my soul. True story. I’m fairly certain I made a deal with a shadowy creature one night…

    SO GOOD!

  2. Geni says:

    Berry and black sesame icecream? Oh my. This looks so beautiful and scrumptious. Wonderful way to use your mold. Stunning!

  3. sara says:

    Great color on that ice cream – look so unusual and interesting! I love black sesame flavor, bet it makes for a fantastic ice cream! :)

  4. I love this black sesame ice cream very much and your picture looks awesome!

  5. heidi says:

    My mouth is watering.
    I love this entry- I’ve looked at some of the other contestant/bloggers recipes, and I’d MUCH rather eat and use your recipes! Really good, tempting, and relatively easy to prepare! Great stuff, here!
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Sissi says:

    And I thought I have already seen the most unusual ice-creams! This one is original both by the main ingredient and the look! It’s like taken from a black and white photo! Unfortunately I still haven’t decided to buy an ice-cream maker, so will have to content myself with your beautiful photos.

  7. Celia says:

    I hope Royal Selangor are going to let you keep your cones! It would be really hard to work without them after so many amazing creations! Sesame icecream – haven’t had that for ages… :)

  8. Carolyn Jung says:

    The color is so intriguing. It almost looks like cement. But then you realize you can eat it — and you better, before it all melts! 😉

    • Chopinand says:

      Hi Carolyn,

      You are so perceptive. That was what we thought as well when it came out of the cone! May not look the best but it was creamy and nutty with the beautiful aromas of black sesame seed :)

  9. Great recipe, I’ve considered making black sesame ice cream inspired by the black sesame buns… I love slate greay colour.

  10. How on earth do you come up with such unique recipes? This is fantastic and if you covered it with white sesame seeds it would look like a snowy mountain. So incredible, you keep outdoing yourself.

  11. I love the beauty of black sesame ice cream!!

  12. Very fancy idea to make black sesame ice cream! 😀

    My favorite dessert at a Chinese restaurant as a child was chilled Lychee. Boring, I know. But we don’t have a big variety of Chinese food, just “standard Westerniezed” Chinese food, and desserts on the menu were usually just lychees, deep fried breaded banana with honey, the same with pineapple instead of banana, or ice cream.

  13. Ann says:

    Black sesame seeds is a new ingredient for me – I first heard of it less than a year ago. The recipe sounds like the ice-cream is deliciously sweet, which would be unexpected….lovely!

  14. Innovative! Black sesame ice-cream! I got to confess, I don’t think I have it before but would love to try it. :)

  15. Black sesame ice cream is my fave at the moment. SO obsessed with it lol. Love the addition of the berries

  16. Sharn says:

    What an amazing result. The black ice cream and those vibrant berries. Stunning!

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