Whenever I play this prelude by Rachmaninoff, it evokes beautiful images of sharks gently gliding in the depths of my mind.
The delicate melody is accompanied by quintuplets played almost throughout the entire piece by the left hand. To bring out a recurring, haunting and wave-like sound, I like to play the ‘B – D’ and ‘B – E’ motives of each quintuplet by the left hand with a gentle emphasis.
Here are two of my favourite interpretations of this piece by Vladimir Ashkenazy and Valentina Lisitsa. I like Ashkenazy’s interpretation because the wave-like effect of his left hand is so delicate and yet can be distinctively felt.
Listen to more of ChopinandMysaucepan‘s favourite music here.
this is LOVELY!!!!!!! i love listening to the piano
i am going to see ‘distant worlds’ tomorrow night at the opera house (fancy!) they are playing musical pieces from the game final fantasy, i really cant wait
great blog you have, i really love that you have included non-foodie posts 😀
Love it! And I think the photo of Hideo is brilliant, such a master! I welcomed him to Canberra on a couple of occasions. Amazing man.
These interpretations still don’t even hold a candle to Rachmaninoff’s own interpretation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFFHZx3SJis
Dear Alex,
Thank you so much for including this video of Rachmaninoff’s own rendition because I have never heard this one before.
Rachmaninoff’s own interpretation is very special especially because of the way he plays the right hand demi semi quavers. I wonder if all the great pianist of our generation have heard this original rendition before they embark on their own journey of discovery.
You have given me something to ponder over now.