Spring is finally in the air in Sydney and fresh food markets across Australia are showcasing some of the best seasonal produce at the moment. A visit to the Sydney Markets in my previous post found beautiful leeks, snow peas, sugar snap peas and sweet corn among other fresh wholesome ingredients.
Mysaucepan went absolutely gaga when she saw zucchini flowers in the markets one day.
A flower with a thin stem in its infancy before becoming a zucchini, many good Italian restaurants in Sydney have done great justice to this beautiful ingredient. One of the most popular of all is ricotta cheese stuffed zucchini flowers.
It is relatively expensive where each flower costs approximately $1 and restaurants would usually serve stuffed zucchini flowers that is deep fried with tempura batter as an entree with their signature dips.
Tonight, Mysaucepan is trying to replicate this classic recipe of ricotta cheese stuffed zucchini flowers which she never fails to order should it be on the menu of a restaurant.
I have opened a 2009 Blue Pyrenees chardonnay which has good oak undertones and its crisp dry style with good length and fruit flavours will be a delightful accompaniment against the subtle flavour of crispy batter and cheese.
Preparation of the ingredients is relatively simple and I observe Mysaucepan with anticipation of a light and tasty meal ahead.
Ingredients Zucchini flowers Salsa Verde Method Zucchini flowers 2. Combine and mix the rind of 1 lemon, cracked black pepper, finely diced continental parsley leaves and ricotta cheese in a bowl. 3. Stuff a spoonful of the ricotta cheese mix into each zucchini flower and close the flower by twirling the ends together. 4. Prepare tempura batter by mixing half a cup of tempura powder with half a cup of water. Stir well to get a good even consistency. 5. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan or wok to medium heat. 6. Dip each zucchini flower into the batter until entire covered and gently slip each flower into the hot oil. 7. Deep fry until flower start to turn golden brown. Remove and drain on kitchen paper then serve immediately. Salsa Verde 1. Combine all the ingredients of the dip in a food processor and process until they become a smooth paste. 2. Remove and serve on dipping plate with the deep fried zucchini flowers
1. Remove the yellow stem from inside each zucchini flower as this stem has a bitter taste.
So dear readers, do you have any favourite spring recipes to share with us?
Blue Pyrenees
Vinoca road
Avoca, Victoria 3467
Tel: +61 3 6465 1111
Hello! I discovered your blog when you commented on a friend’s blog — CHOPIN stood out immediately. I was amused and delighted by your blog name, but what a delight to find such beautiful music and food here, worthy of the name!
I plan to add music (and music-related topics) to my blog eventually — fairly new at it yet — but you’ve inspired me! Your thoughts on music, food and wine are incredibly similar to mine, although I haven’t committed a piece to memory for a long time. No time like the present!
I, too, love Chopin (my piano teacher told me I have “Chopin hands” — easier to make those difficult reaches across the piano keys) and you’ve also inspired me to play this morning. Thank you! I’ll be back to visit as often as I can.
Hi Kimby
Thank you for your kind words and I’m glad you like the music and food on our blog.
Having “Chopin hands” is definitely a great advantage in tackling those beautiful arpeggios in his music.
I look forward to reading your music posts!
These look gorgeous and absolutely restaurant-quality! I’ve always wondered how you pinch them shut to prevent the filling from oozing out. As simple as a little twirling. Thanks!
Hi Maia
It’s always tempting to stuff a lot of the ricotta mix into the flower
Depending on the size of the bulb, it’s always good to leave a little room so that the flower ends can be twirled together and it seals the flower beautifully.
The post was amazing. The photos made my mouth water and the recipe looks delightful. It’s the perfect time of year to find the zucchini flower.
I subscribed to your blog and look forward to each notice in my email. Great find!
Hi Joanne,
Thank you for visiting and subscribing to our blog. We hope to live up to your expectations!
I always admire how beautiful Zucchini blossoms are and stuffing them — even better. Thank you for sharing the recipe.
I have to say I love the name of your blog– its so clever! These stuffed zucchini flowers look delicious– they are such a great treat and its so sad they can only be enjoyed for such a short season.
I always order these at restaurants too, but have never made them at home. I thought they would be too delicate and fussy but you make it look easy! I’m going to give them a go.
I have to say, this is absolutely FABULOUS! I love stuffed zucchini flowers and your recipe is perfect! It is starting to become fall here, so I’m thinking soups and stews! Your pictures – as well as your recipe – is a feast for the eyes!
Such gorgeous photos! I’m sending my workmate this link now… she’s obsessed with zucchini flowers
Wow, these look great! I’ve bought zucchini flowers from the market before, too, but didn’t feel up to stuffing them. Used them in a white wine risotto instead, and it was pretty good.
Hi OohLookBel,
We actually contemplated deep frying only the flower buds and using the stems for a risotto but decided it might be too much work.
These are best eaten fresh when they are crispy on the outside and with warm ricotta oozing from the inside
Sounds like a perfect wine pairing for an elegant dish!
Love spring produce. Stuffed flowers is def one of the things I order if its on the menu. That and anything with asparagus
This is amazing! all the photos & ingredients looks great & I sure it will taste great also!

Tq for ur kind comment on my blog – nice to meet u
followed! 😉
I’m a sucker for these whenever I see them on a menu. These look absolutely beautiful. Spring to me is all about greens- have been toying with a waldorf salad with basil aioli and fennel. Am currently a little obsessed.
I would love to try these! Yummy!
omg the stuffed zucchini flowers looks so good! like restaurant quality 😀
Wow that sounds amazing! I hope I can find the blossoms in NZ.
Very Italian today!!! 😉 Lovely recipe! Zucchini flowers are one of my absolute favourite! I usually stuff them with cubed bocconcini and anchovies, but I also love them plain… they are soooo delicate and beautiful!!! Well done!
These are so wonderful and I bet even better when you fry them fresh as you do here!
GOSH That looks delicious!
ive never had zucchini flowers before.. where do you buy them from?
Hi Dolly,
Zucchini flowers are usually available at green grocers and fresh food delis such as Harris Farm outlets. I have not seen them in Coles or Woolies though.
Both stuffed courgette flowers and salsa verde look fantastic. I will certainly try making stuffed flowers next year: your step-by-step photos make me think maybe stuffed courgettes are not as difficult as I have thought. In the meantime I can always try your salsa verde.
These are totally gorgeous! ALMOST too pretty to eat.. almost
I have never eaten zucchini flowers but back in India we eat a lot of pumpkin flowers..stuffing with ricotta and then deep frying sounds so so delicious!
Oh yes, I hv seen these battered-fried crispy many times but have not eaten them before.
I’ve never had squash or zucchini blooms – but I love squash!
This looks gorgeous – I’m drooling. Silly me I left my blossoms and let the zucchinis grow! Next year I’m going to pluck those blossoms! Lovely!
I love zucchini blossoms, but only had it once…it is so hard to find it here. Yours look delicious…if only I could have one of them….yummie!
Hope you have a wonderful week ahead
I’ve never tried zucchini flowers, I’ve never spotted them around to buy them. They look delicious. I imagine the outside goes nice and crunchy with the inside nice and smooth. I think I’ll have to track some down and try your recipe!
I never had zucchini flowers, but I did similar style to Southeast Asian Edible flowers. In Indonesian, we call it bunga turi (Sesbania grandiflora)
I just saw a ton of zucchini flowers when I was in Portland, Ore. this weekend at the farmers market. So gorgeous! Mother Nature sure makes some beautiful ingredients, doesn’t she?
This has been my must-try for a while but I haven’t seriously looked for the zucchini flowers yet. Thanks for reminding. What a wonderful dish and I wish I can have yours – perfectly deep fried stuffed zucchini flowers. I’m in love…
Fantastic, now I can try making them! Zucchini flowers are my favourite spring food, closely followed by bruschetta
Hi C and S first I would like to say I looooooved your site. It makes me miss Sydney even more. Now the zucchini blossoms …..is there anything more beautiful and delicious than that ? I don’t think so. The lemon zest was an awesome touch.
These look so good! And the best thing is that although our summer is over- I still have lots of zucchini flowers in the garden! I am making this recipe! Thanks!!!
Pingback: Tempura, tempura! - Steps On the Journey
I am looking forward to hear more from you, keep up the good work.
I have never heard of this before but I am tempted to give this a try. Sounds delicious!
So lovely and elegant! Great job with a restaurant dish at home, yumm…
Thanks so much for sharing this recipe with me. Love how you photographed the whole process from zucchini flower to end result. My photographer only turned up after I had made them! Our recipes are fairly similar but I used basil instead of parsley and added a few toasted pine nuts as well. Great idea to serve with a salsa verde. And yes, these normally are expensive but somehow they had a great special on at Harris Farm and I was able to buy 3 packets (containing 6/packet) for $5.00. They were a wonderful and inexpensive pre-dinner snack.